Κωδικός: MI 3152
Κατασκευαστής: METREL
MI 3152 EurotestXC is an instrument from the new generation of Metrel’s multifunctional measuring instruments.
- Description
MI 3152 EurotestXC is an instrument from the new generation of Metrel’s multifunctional measuring instruments. The already well known functions like complete installation safety testing according to IEC/EN 61557 and AUTO SEQUENCE testing of TN, TT and IT earthing systems are managed by a completely new user interface based on large colour touch screen display. A wide range of functions is included: from on-line voltage monitoring, phase sequence testing, earth resistance measurement, illuminance measurement and TRMS current measurement up to RCD tests, line and loop impedance tests, earth resistance measurements as well as ISFL measurements and the IMD tests.
- Insulation resistance with DC voltage from 50 V to 1000 V;
- Continuity of PE conductors with 200 mA DC test current with polarity change;
- Continuity of PE conductors with 7 mA test current without RCD tripping;
- Line/Loop impedance;
- Loop impedance with Trip Lock RCD function;
- TRMS voltage and frequency;
- Phase sequence;
- Power and harmonics;
- RCD testing (general and selective, type AC, A, F, B, B+);
- Earth resistance (3-wire and 2-clamps method);
- Specific earth resistance with Ro-adapter (option);
- TRMS leakage and load currents (option);
- First fault leakage current (ISFL);
- Testing of Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMDs);
- Illumination (option);
- High resolution Loop impendance (mΩ) (option).
- Predefined mini AUTOSEQUENCEs:
- Auto TT (U, Zln, Zs, Uc);
- Auto TN/RCD (U, Zln, Zs, Rpe);
- Auto TN (U, Zln, Zlpe, Rpe);
- Auto IT (U, Zln, Isc, Isfl, IMD).
- Built-in help screens for referencing on site.
- Built-in fuse tables for automatic evaluation of the line / loop impedance result.
- Monitoring of all 3 voltages in real-time.
- Automatic polarity reversal on continuity test.
- Automated RCD testing procedure.
- Built-in charger and rechargeable batteries as standard accessory.
- BT communication with PC, Android tablets and smart phones via built-in BT.
- PC SW Metrel ES Manager for creation of test structures and uploading, downloading of test results and report creation.
- EuroLink Android APP, data management tool (option).
PC SW Metrel ES Manager for creation of test structures and uploading, downloading of test results and report creation.
Dimensions (w x h x l): 230 x 103 x 115 mm.
Mass (without accessories): 1.3 kg.
ΤΙΜΗ 1822,80 ευρώ με φπα